Saturday, 25 December 2010

Earring Women

I saw this Karenni women in displaced camp near Thai - Myanmar Border about January 2008. She fled to Thailand because of fighting between Myanmar Military Government and Ethnic minority Karenni group.
Karenni (-ni means "red") covers around 9 different people groups who speak different languages and dialects in Kayah State, Myanmar (Burma). 

Dam construction

There is more than 200 Dam in Myanmar. The Dams were built on two kind of purpose.
It is for agriculture sectors and electricity sector.  Myanmar Government agreed neighboring country to build on new dam project in Ayeyarwady River and Salween River. In this projects are multi-function dam project especially for generate electricity. After finish this projects, local people would not benefit. It provides for energy security in the neighboring country.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Baby Bear

Myanmar is a habitat of variety of wild animals. Now a day, wild animals are threatened by illegal pouching, illegal chopping, declining habitat status and urban and agriculture expansions. I taken this photo in Arakan Range since 2005.

The Brook

70 percent of Myanmar population living in rural area.

The way back home

Local villagers collected the firewood and back to home. Myanmar have rich natural gas but government sold natural gas to Neighboring country such as Thailand and China. Myanmar people used firewood for cooking and household use. Using firewood is not only local villager but also higher demanding for former capital city Yangon. Most of Natural forest including mangrove forest are deforested in consequences of over exploitation.

Livelihood in Myanmar

In Myanmar,  Grassroots level Peoples are difficult to get daily income.
These old couple are fishing in the river of Bogalay after Nargis Cyclone, May 2008.